Powerful Physical Therapy

Powerful Physical Therapy

  • Answering Concerns About Joint Replacement Procedures

    Unfortunately, injuries to joints are fairly common, and this type of issue can result in a permanent reduction in your range of movement. To repair this problem, it may be necessary to replace the damaged joint with an artificial one. This procedure may be very intimidating to patients, but it is important to be informed about it so that you can decide whether this is a procedure you may want to undergo.

  • 4 Ways To Help Your Child Improve Stuttering

    Some kids go through a stage where they stutter their words. Stuttering is a speech disorder that disrupts the normal flow of speech. A person who stutters tends to prolong or repeat his or her words.  According to The Stuttering Foundation, over three million Americans have this speech disorder. There is no cure, but treatment can improve your child's speech. Here are four ways to treat stuttering. Talk To A Speech Therapist

  • 4 Survival Tips For Moms-To-Be During Hospital Bedrest

    Although hospitals are places of healing, they aren't necessarily the most relaxing places to be. It can be even more stressful when you are pregnant, uncomfortable, and on hospital bedrest. Just like it sounds, hospital bedrest is when you must stay in the hospital until delivery because your pregnancy has become extremely high risk. Rest is important during this time, despite the difficulties. The following tips can help you survive – and thrive – during bedrest.

  • 3 Reasons You Experience Pain During Your Pelvic Exam

    Regular pelvic exams are an important part of your reproductive and overall health. Unfortunately, many women find pelvic exams uncomfortable and you may be tempted to skip your annual examination. But during a pelvic exam your gynecologist may detect infections and abnormalities that are more easily treated if they are detected early, so it is critical that you are examined as often as your doctor recommends for your age and health history.

  • Keep Food Allergies At Bay: 3 Healthy Alternatives To Peanut Butter If You're Allergic

    It can be difficult being allergic to peanuts, especially when it comes to peanut butter. Everyone else is enjoying peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, peanut butter cookies and other varieties of peanut butter foods while you're sulking in the corner because you can't indulge. What if you could indulge just in a different way? There are a lot of different types of nut and seed butters available that you can have even if you're allergic to traditional peanut butter.

  • About Me

    Powerful Physical Therapy

    I was badly injured a year ago, and it took a long time to get back to my normal level of ability. One of the things that helped more than anything was the time that I spent in physical therapy. I didn’t always love going to physical therapy – in fact, sometimes, I really didn’t enjoy it at all. But ultimately, the therapists and other patients I worked with helped inspire me to get better, and the exercises facilitated my healing process. I started this blog to talk about all of the things I learned about physical therapy and healing during my recovery time. I hope my blog reaches other accident victims. I want to offer encouragement, hope, and information for people who are in the same boat that I was in.