Powerful Physical Therapy

Powerful Physical Therapy

  • Keep An Eye Out: How To Know If You're At Risk For Glaucoma

    An estimated 2.2 million suffer from this debilitating disease, but half of that number don't know it. How can this be? The unfortunate truth is that glaucoma can be hard to predict, and even harder to recognize it once it happens. Here are a few factors that can help determine if you're at risk for developing the eye condition that is the most common cause of blindness in the world—and if you are, what you should do about it.

  • How To Have The Assisted Living Facility To Meet Your Diet Restrictions

    As you age, one of the things that often changes is the wide array of foods that you are able to eat. Many times the changes to your diet may be a result of medical issues, or medications that you are taking, but they may also be because your taste has changed, and you no longer like certain foods. It is often easy to avoid foods that you do not like when you are taking your meals in an assisted living facility.

  • Helping Boost You Back Into Manhood: HCG And Its Effects

    When a man faces a fertility problem and does not produce enough sperm, him and his partner may have trouble conceiving a child. HCG, a natural occurring chemical found in the body helps to increase the sperm count in men. HCG therapy is one way to help boost the amount of sperm found in a man's body and each treatment greatly increases the chances of a child being conceived: How is HCG Therapy Administered?

  • How Often To Visit A Chiropractor

    You may have heard that visiting a chiropractor like those at the Gehrig Family Chiropractic Center is good for you, but you may not know how often you need to visit. Of course, this all depends on your body. For example, if you suffer from serious pain because of an injury you endured, then you may want to visit your chiropractor more often than someone who only sees a chiropractor to help with preventative issues.

  • Surgical Options If You Do Not Have Enough Bone For Dental Implants

    During your dental surgeon's assessment to determine if you qualify for dental implants, he or she will measure whether or not you have enough bone to support the implant. If not, all is not lost. Here are some of the options that your surgeon has. Why Is Bone Important? The dental implant is supported by metal roots that are implanted into your jawbone. If the jawbone cannot support the roots, the implants can fail.

  • About Me

    Powerful Physical Therapy

    I was badly injured a year ago, and it took a long time to get back to my normal level of ability. One of the things that helped more than anything was the time that I spent in physical therapy. I didn’t always love going to physical therapy – in fact, sometimes, I really didn’t enjoy it at all. But ultimately, the therapists and other patients I worked with helped inspire me to get better, and the exercises facilitated my healing process. I started this blog to talk about all of the things I learned about physical therapy and healing during my recovery time. I hope my blog reaches other accident victims. I want to offer encouragement, hope, and information for people who are in the same boat that I was in.